Monday, August 23, 2010

Praying Over The Dishwasher

You may not know this about me, in fact many people don't. I love to pray, like I REALLY love it. However, I don't do it much in public settings which may seem odd considering I work for a church! For as long as I can remember my mom has been a prayer warrior. I mean this woman prays! It could be about anything. A parking spot (I'm not kidding, I witness this often) or for something more serious like a hurting friend or a sickness. In everything, my mom first prays about it. So, because of this example it's no wonder that I too would pray about all sorts of random things. A few months back my beautiful,perfect, amazing Bosch Dishwasher started to act up. If you have ever had a dishwasher that leaves your dishes looking worse than when you put them in you can relate here. Every place Tyler and I have ever lived we have had the WORST dishwashers. But I was so stubborn about washing them by hand that I would still run them through, only to have to wash them again when they came out, but I digress... When we moved into our first home things on the dishwasher end started to look up. Thanks to my wonderful in-laws waiting in the kitchen was this delightful little gem:

Oh happy day! This bad boy sliced and diced and was able to jump buildings in a single bound! OK, so not really but you get the idea. My dishes came out so sparkly clean they made that little "ding" noise when they came out! You can imagine my disappointment when my little friend starting to feel under the weather. So I did what some may think is a little weird if not unconventional. I covered that dishwasher in prayer! Oh Honey did I ever! When I would be standing at the sink with dishpan hands I would pray about it. When I would walk by and remember her in all her glory I would pray about it. When my sweet girl decided use it as a canvas with a sharpie marker I prayed about it:

No worries though, a little rubbing alcohol and she was as good as new. Then just yesterday, I decided to pray again. I pushed the On button and...... wait for it...... she came right on! Hallelujah! I won't believe that it worked for any other reason than the fact that I prayed over it. Think what you want but it was good old fashioned prayer that made my Bosch work again. I'm not going to get ahead of myself, God may not choose for this dishwasher to continue working like it is currently, so for now I will keep my dish rack, soap and scrubber handy:

How often do you pray? Only when you need something, all day/every day? I know from experience prayer is powerful and not just because it worked on my dishwasher. I love serving a God who is always interested in what I have to say.

"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 4:6-7 The Message

1 comment:

  1. So I'm loving that you actually took a picture of the dish rack, scrubber and soap!!! You are such a NUT!!! But thanks for getting me back to my blogging!!! It has been forever and now I feel like I have something to SAY. (I know huh, Me? not having something to say?) LOL
