"Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."Matthew 12:25
Outside forces are less of a threat for most families. They usually crumble from the inside out. A civil war raging in the home leaves more casualties than an outside attack. When God said two become one in marriage, it means will literally injure our own flesh when we tear down our partner. When I stab at Tyler's dignity, I may as well cut off my own arm. This is why fighting hurts so badly: when I injure Tyler, I do it at the sake of my own soul. And let's not forget the most important factor: Our kids. We become so blinded by selfishness that will fail to see how a jaded marriage affects them. It's easier to write it off: "They don't know what's going on." "They're too little." "They're not listening." A house divided against itself will fall. It will crush everyone taking refuge under it's shelter.
Do you want to be the mom of your kids' dreams? Want to give them security, health, stability and happiness? I know how....
Love him so much it's almost embarrassing. Kiss him, hug him. Talk about him to your kids as if your heart would die without him. Don't let issues fester until they are ready to explode. Have sex with him (this alone would solve most of his problems :)Tell your kids their daddy is a hero and they are so lucky they belong to him. Be his #1 fan. The best gift for your kids is parents who are crazy for each other. (Did I mention have sex with him?)
No matter what war is raging in your home right now: infidelity, addiction, financial issues, the list goes on.....
Bring them to Jesus. Don't give up my sweet friends. Love each other well and your house will stand.
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Monday, December 6, 2010
For Better.... And a Lot Worse
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Losing Me
However, I am slowly learning that no one role can take all you without some sacrifice of the others. When we make our children the center of our universe, we do so at the expense of our other relationships. We will fall out of touch with our husbands, our friends and ourselves when our kids consume everything. So leave it to Jesus to give me a wake up call while I was reading His Word a few days ago. He made a rather shocking statement about relational priorities as He sent His disciples out to minister:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ladybugs in Heaven
And because every one of these stages has it's struggles, a thought enters our minds: "If I can just make it to ______, this will only get so much easier." We mentally live in tomorrow, while simply managing today. We forget to relish the charms of the present, allowing them to be overshadowed by our daily challenges. We, translate, I get so caught up the everyday of life that I forget to stop and take it all in. Then it happens, something that puts it all in perspective.
I was tucking Keller into bed and saying all of our usual night time things. Then he stops and says, "Do you think there are ladybugs in heaven?" I respond, "Ladybugs were God's idea, so I'm sure there are." He said, "Good, because my baby girl (the name he has for his sister) loves ladybugs and I bet it would make her real happy if they were up there when she goes to heaven one day." Oh! Heart be still! That baby boy of mine just makes my heart sing. Gone in an instant were all the memories of the sleepless nights and throw-yourself- on the ground tantrums. I realized I don't want these moments to be over, I want to enjoy them!
It seems at times, my Jesus is lovingly saying, "Kara, don't obsess about tomorrow. Live in this day without worrying about what you'll do or need later. What is good today will be spoiled tomorrow. Enjoy it today, or enjoy it never." Keeping an eye on our kid's tomorrow means we only have one eye on their today. We're missing so much. Our kids are going to grow up, with or without us, and once it's over, it's over. I won't spoil this day for grieving what has passed or longing for what has not yet come. I will notice how Keller always wants me to do our secret handshake when I drop him off for school, I will pay attention to the way Presley hangs on for a little bit longer to our good morning hug. I will look my kids in the eye and listen to what they are saying , or in Presley's case, trying to say, and I will try to give a real, genuine response. I will still go into their rooms at night and tuck them in a little tighter and push their hair behind their ears.
You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their sweet little faces. Relish the charms of the present.
Enjoy today, mama. It will be over before you know it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Fall is here...Hip, Hip, Horray!

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Is there a two for one special on therapy for kids?
OK, I admit I don't always worry about that, but I do wonder if I will ever be enough as a mom. Then I read this verse in Matthew 10:25, : "It is enough for the student to be like his teacher."
When the student (that's us) becomes like her teacher (Jesus) our failures and reservations as moms take the back burner as the sweet spirit of Jesus covers us. Our kids won't remember every paper we forgot to sign, how we didn't tie their shoes just right, or that we fed them hot dogs every night (guilty!) They will forget how we blew off bath time because mommy and daddy were too tired and how we begged them to watch Dora the Explorer for 30 minutes of silence. What they will remember is how we prayed with them and how we listened to their dreams and fears, no matter how ridiculous they might be. ("No, Keller I promise the fence outside the window does not turn into fingers that want to grab you.") That won't forget how we took care of them or someone else when they were hurting. They will remember how quickly we were to laugh, but slow to judge. They will recall how wildly we loved them with every fiber of our being.
The right schools, the right teams, the right house... not enough.
Perfect systems, by-the- book methods, unsolicited advice... not enough.
It is enough for me to show patience when I want to stick my fingers in my ears and scream right along with my two year old. It is enough to choose mercy when my kids have made the same mistake once again. It is enough to imitate my Christ, who never jumped through hoops, but transformed history through grace and sacrifice. You are enough as a mother when you act like your Redeemer. When you talk like He talked, love like He loved, forgive like he forgave and teach like He taught. When you launch your children into this big, exciting, wonderful world, that is all that will matter. It is what they will remember and imitate.
It is enough.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday Keller!
Some big boys never grow up!
I loved this sign, it even lit up!
OK, Maybe mommies, aunts and uncles never grow up too...
You've gotta have popcorn at the circus
Make way for the animals!
Of course, no circus is complete without trapeze artists!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Best Birthday Gift... 12 Years In the Making
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Don't Push Her "Button"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm perfect, my house is always clean and my kids never fight!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Presley Jo!

How we love this little girl! Her personality has really started to come out in the past few months and she is nothing short of sassy. She has daddy wrapped around her finger, to say the least. Just last night he said the sweetest thing, "When I look at Presley, she makes me want to be so much better. I want her to see how a man is supposed to treat a woman. She is my angel, she saved me." I know, get the box of tissues out. When I hear the man I love talk about his babies that way, it stirs something in my heart! Now, two years later check out our very sweet lady bug:
If you know me, you know I love to throw a party. This year we went with a ladybug theme and I had a blast going all out. I wish I could plan parties for a living (Hey Kelsey, don't move to SA, let's just start our own business :) Here are a few highlights from our ladybug bash:
Here is the birthday girl sitting on the table. I used a red tablecloth and cut out black dots to look like a .... you guessed it, ladybug!
These were so fun to make! Cherry tomatoes, black olives and cream cheese. I love things that are simple and cute.
No ladybug party would be complete without live ladybugs! I found these jars at Hobby Lobby and ordered the ladybugs off the Internet. Each girl took a jar and could release the ladybugs at home. It was a big hit!
And finally, my two babies together. We have two August birthdays. Keller and Presley have birthdays only 16 days apart. Keller's birthday is this Saturday so come back soon for pics of his special day. Thanks for looking.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17
Monday, August 23, 2010
Praying Over The Dishwasher
Oh happy day! This bad boy sliced and diced and was able to jump buildings in a single bound! OK, so not really but you get the idea. My dishes came out so sparkly clean they made that little "ding" noise when they came out! You can imagine my disappointment when my little friend starting to feel under the weather. So I did what some may think is a little weird if not unconventional. I covered that dishwasher in prayer! Oh Honey did I ever! When I would be standing at the sink with dishpan hands I would pray about it. When I would walk by and remember her in all her glory I would pray about it. When my sweet girl decided use it as a canvas with a sharpie marker I prayed about it:

No worries though, a little rubbing alcohol and she was as good as new. Then just yesterday, I decided to pray again. I pushed the On button and...... wait for it...... she came right on! Hallelujah! I won't believe that it worked for any other reason than the fact that I prayed over it. Think what you want but it was good old fashioned prayer that made my Bosch work again. I'm not going to get ahead of myself, God may not choose for this dishwasher to continue working like it is currently, so for now I will keep my dish rack, soap and scrubber handy:
How often do you pray? Only when you need something, all day/every day? I know from experience prayer is powerful and not just because it worked on my dishwasher. I love serving a God who is always interested in what I have to say.
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 4:6-7 The Message
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Pancakes & Papa

We got up and got around to our usual morning routine of making up the kid's "morning coffee", known in our house as "mock it milk," AKA chocolate milk . I just can't bring myself to correct Presley on the correct way to say it! It's these little things that I want to hold on to for as long as possible. Anyways, Keller has been on this pancake kick lately and this morning was no exception. So I pulled out the flour, milk, eggs etc, ready to make a fresh batch. Does anyone believe me right now? I didn't think so! More like I pulled out the BOX of complete pancake mix and added water! Who cares, right? It all tastes the same... kinda. After breakfast we got a nice surprise when the doorbell rang. My kids go nuts when the doorbell rings, like crazed little Pomeranians eagerly awaiting the visitor on the other side. This visitor was one of their favorites, it was Papa! I just love how my dad drops in on us, and I'm not being sarcastic. I love that he wants to see my kids so he makes it a point to stop by. Presley absolutely adores her Papa and every time she see him it's like the first time all over again. Not skipping a beat, he began to give Keller a hard time about something, but talking to Presley in this goofy way that he only does to her. The kids wanted their Papa to read a book, and as always he was happy to oblige. Their impromptu reading circle formed on the kitchen counter:
I just love, love, love the look on P.J's face! She's patting her Papa as if to say, "Thanks Papa for reading this book, but I still need to pose for this picture." Keller the ever serious listener didn't skip a beat, he really wanted to hear the story. It's times like these that I treasure in my heart. I am so grateful that we live in the same town as both of our kids' grandparents and visits like this are never few and far between. I couldn't think of a better example for kids. Whether they know it or not, he's teaching them life lessons with something as simple as dropping by. My kids know they have worth not only in my Daddy's eyes, but in their Heavenly Daddy's eyes as well.
"To this day, their children and grandchildren continue to do as their fathers did." 2 Kings 17:41
Friday, August 20, 2010
Special Day, Special Boy